First truth: dukkha
Main article: Dukkha
The first noble truth is the truth of dukkha. The Pali term dukkha (Sanskrit: duhkha) is typically translated as "suffering", but the term dukkha has a much broader meaning than the typical use of the word "suffering". Dukkha
suggests a basic dissatifaction pervading all forms of life, due to the
fact that all forms of life are impermanent and constantly changing. Dukkha indicates a lack of satisfaction, a sense that things never measure up to our expectations or standards.
The emphasis on dukkha is not intended to be pessimistic, but
rather to identify the nature of dukkha, in order that dukkha things may
be overcome. The Buddha acknowledged that there is both happiness and
sorrow in the world, but he taught that even when we have some kind of
happiness, it is not permanent; it is subject to change. And due to this
unstable, impermanent nature of all things, everything we experience is
said to have the quality of dukkha or dissatisfaction. Therefore
unless we can gain insight into that truth, and understand what is
really able to give us happiness, and what is unable to provide
happiness, the experience of dissatisfaction will persist.
Traleg Kyabgon explains:
- Normally we think our happiness is contingent upon external
circumstances and situations, rather than upon our own inner attitude
toward things, or toward life in general. The Buddha was saying that
dissatisfaction is part of life, even if we are seeking happiness and
even if we manage to find temporary happiness. The very fact that it is
temporary means that sooner or later the happiness is going to pass. So
the Buddha said that unless we understand this and see how pervasive
dissatisfaction or duhkha is, it is impossible for us to start looking
for real happiness.